Operation Round Up was established to help meet some of the charitable needs of people who live in the area served by Agralite Electric Cooperative. Grant funds are used by individuals and organizations to help make this area a more pleasant and safe place to live.
All of the money for Operation Round Up is contributed by the member-owners of Agralite, and is put into a trust account that is separate from the Agralite electric accounts. The trust is administered by a board of directors composed of people from across the Agralite area.
Agralite members that participate in Operation Round Up have their electric bills rounded up to the next whole dollar each month. For example, if the bill for electrical use was $112.47 for the month, the member would be billed $113.00. The additional 53 cents would go into the Round Up account and $112.47 would be credited to the electric account.
The pocket change that each member contributes each month adds up. Over $12,000 each year is available for area needs.
Organizations from within the area served by Agralite can apply for a grant from Operation Round Up. The group must be charitable in nature and be working to meet a need in our area. Those who benefit from funding do not all have to be Agralite members.
The board of directors of Agralite Electric Trust decides if the application meets the guidelines of the trust and if funds are available. The board meets during the year to evaluate applications for grants and to approve money for those that are accepted.
The nine member board is made up of individuals from across the Agralite service territory. The board consists of:
- Orvin Gronseth, Murdock
- Andrea Thomson, Benson, President
- Laura Jergenson, Glenwood
- Scott Johnson, Alberta
- Larry Anderson, Murdock
- Richard Ehrenberg, Correll, Secretary/Treasurer
- Joe McGeary, Danvers, Vice President
- Darlene Nichols, Correll
- Jenny Stryhn, General Manager of Agralite Electric Cooperative, is an ex officio member of the board
Emergencies do not wait for a regular meeting date. Accidents, fires or medical emergencies can happen at any time and often require immediate expenditures that result in financial hardship. Grants can be made to individuals who are experiencing medical or other emergencies. In most cases, the check is presented at a public benefit for the individual.
Requests should be made to a board member or to Agralite Electric Cooperative. Requests can be handled at any time. Emergencies only require the approval of the executive board so they can be processed quickly and can be used to meet financial needs before insurance money is available.
We invite members to participate in Operation Round Up in two ways.
- By choosing to have your bills rounded up to the next whole dollar, you are showing your concern for the area. If you are not contributing to Operation Round Up now, simply call the office and ask to be added to the Round Up list.
- By being aware of the needs around you and applying for a grant when it is appropriate, you will be helping those in need. Click on the appropriate button on the right for the application form.