Concern for Community
The 7th Cooperative Principle is Concern for Community, and these resources build on our proud history and bright future in community development and support. Beyond providing our membership with reliable, affordable electricity, Agralite is also committed to serving our communities in other ways. Agralite has its own Operation Round Up program where members can opt-in to rounding their electric bill up to the next dollar with the collective funds distributed to community projects and programs. Since 1993, members have contributed over $500,000 to local organizations through Operation Round Up.
Agralite introduced a post-secondary education scholarship program in 2016 with funds made available, in part, from unclaimed capital credits and through administration proceeds from the Rural Economic Development Loan program.
A number of Agralite employees volunteer on the local fire department. The co-op itself participates in parades, school safety days and camps as well.
Agralite’s past and present show a continued demonstration of what it means to be a cooperative by not only serving its membership with reliable electricity, but by offering its communities support and more opportunities.